Pets with pica or coprophagy eat substances that are not considered fodo. Pica involves the eating of objects. Dogs may be more likely to eat objects such as rocks and toys, while cats may eat clothing, strings, and kitty litter. Oriental breeds of cats are more likely to eat fabrics and wool.
Coprophagy is the consumption of feces. It is a natural behavior for nursing mothers to eat the feces of their puppies or kittens. Coprophagy is more common in dogs than in cats, and female dogs are more likely to display this behavior than males. While coprophagy is generally more distasteful than it is harmful to the pet, eating of nonfood objects may result in vomiting, diarrhea, or a blockage in the digestive tract, which may require an emergency surgery or use of an endoscope to retrieve the object while the pet is under anesthesia.
The exact cause of pica and coprophagy is unknown. Some pets chew on objects out of stress or boredom. Dogs may eat feces because they are not being fed enough or if they go too long between meals, but it is usually they are lacking a nutrient in their diet. Dogs that have been punished for defecating in the house may eat their feces to avoid further punishment. Rarely, an underlying condition such as anemia, intestinal parasites, gastrointestinal disorders, or liver disease may lead to an animal eating strange objects.
If there isn't an underlying medical problem leading to the behavior, the best thing to do is to eliminate access to objects the pet likes to eat. Make sure to store clothing, plastics, wool, and linear objects where your pet cannot find them. If your dog eats objects in the yard, consider a basket muzzle. However never leave a dog with a muzzle unattended. You can also try covering the objects with an unpleasant-tasting substance, such as cayenne pepper or bitter apple products, which are available at most pet stores.
For dogs with coprophagy, remove and dispose of feces from the yard immediately. Better yet, increase the number of daily leash walks and reward your dog with a treat after he or she defecates to distract him or her from the feces. Then pick up and dispose of feces appropriately. Some owners may try sprinkling feces with cayenne pepper or bitter apple so the dog experiences an unpleasant taste, but it's generally a better idea to just remove the feces.
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