Purchasing Supplies
Choose a Large Litter Box
Small litter boxes are available for tiny kittens, but kittens grow up so fast that you'll have to retrain the kitten, so it's better to start with a box you plan to use for a long time. Kittens have no trouble getting into a large litter box, as long as one side is low enough that they can step inside. If you find a great box but aren't sure whether the kitten will be able to climb inside, use a piece of plywood or another flat material with good traction to make a little ramp. Affix it to the side of the litter box using duct tape, and remove it when the kitten has grown big enough to get inside without help.
Choose an Enclosed Litter Box
Some litter boxes have an enclosure around them. The advantage of the enclosed litter box is that it can contain the litter for an enthusiastic cat that likes to kick and dig and it may cut down smells if you have the box in a small area. Some cats even feel more protected in an enclosed litter box. Be sure that the enclosed litter box is large, cats need enough room to comfortably turn around inside the box. Most cats have a behavioral need to sniff their feces and then bury them, and the box needs to allow plenty of room for that. Some cats do not like enclosed boxes when initially introduced to them. You can ease the transition by removing the swinging door until your cat becomes acclimated to the box.
Buy Kitty Litter
There are many types of litter to chose from, and any litter is fine for most juvenile or adults cats (8 months or older.) Select a litter that is as dust-free as possible, since dust can irritate cats' lungs. You might want to keep the following factors in mind as you make your choice.
- Use unscented litter if possible. Kittens and cats may not like perfumed litter, if the scent is overpowering, they may use the bathroom somewhere else. Additionally, some scents could irritate a cat's nose and eyes or cause problems for cats who are prone to respiratory problems.
- Consider a scoopable litter. Scoopable litter has become a popular choice, since it makes removing the kitten's waste quite easy. Be aware that there is some concern that a cat could become sick from ingesting scoopable litter, but that there is little or no evidence of this happening.
- Select a litter that is widely available. Some cats become accustomed to a specific litter and may not recognize the tray as a toilet unless it contains their usual litter.
Purchase a Scooper and Drop Cloth
The last things you need to get ready for litter training your kitten are a scooper for removing waste from the litter box and a drop cloth to place under the box to prevent stray litter from soiling your house.
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